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Cisco路由器auto secure命令小结

10-15 21:47:25 来源:http://www.qz26.com 网络基础知识   阅读:8129
导读: Local AAA SSH timeout and ssh authentication-retries to minimum number Enable only SSH and SCP for Access and file transfer to/from the router 6、保护转发Forwarding Plane Enables Cisco EXPress Forwarding (CEF) or distributed CEF on the router, when available Anti-spoofing Blocks all IANA reserved IP address blocks Blocks private address blocks if customer desires Installs a default route to NULL 0, if a default route is n
Cisco路由器auto secure命令小结,标签:网络基础,计算机网络基础知识,http://www.qz26.com
    Local AAA

    SSH timeout and ssh authentication-retries to minimum number

    Enable only SSH and SCP for Access and file transfer to/from the router

    6、保护转发Forwarding Plane

    Enables Cisco EXPress Forwarding (CEF) or distributed CEF on the router, when available


    Blocks all IANA reserved IP address blocks

    Blocks private address blocks if customer desires

    Installs a default route to NULL 0, if a default route is not being used

    Configures TCP intercept for connection-timeout, if TCP intercept feature is available and the user is interested

    Starts interactive configuration for CBAC on interfaces facing the Internet, when using a Cisco IOS Firewall image,

    Enables NetFlow on software forwarding platforms

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