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10-16 00:11:24 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8388
导读: familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere. I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's company. My present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from
    familiar with the various sales territories, and have also in my 
    spare time experience of handling business problems other than my
    proper sphere.
        I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more 
    experience in an exporter's company. My present employer knows of 
    my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.
        Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and 
    hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience.

                                            Letter 4

www.qz26.com Dear Sir,

       In reference to your advertisement in the newspaper for an 
    accountant, I believe that I have the qualifications to fit your 
        For the last four years I have been employed as a senior 
    accountant by a company of import and export where the wide field 
    of work to be covered has given me a good knowledge of accounts. 
    To supplement my practical knowledge, I have taken an evening 
    course in Beijing Of Post And Telecommunication. I feel that you 
    could safely entrust a set of books to my care.
        You will find enclosed a testimonial from the President of 
    the University who has kindly offered to provide you with any 
    further details you may require.
        I believe that you will consider this application favorably 
    and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be 
    worthy of the confidence you may place in me.

                                          Letter 5

www.qz26.com Dear Sir,

        I have learned from the newspaper that there is a vacancy in 
    your firm, and I wish to apply for the position. I am a graduate 
    of Beijing pholytechnics, class of 1995. For the last two years 
    I have been working as a senior clerk for China Trading Company,
    and I am quitting that firm in a few days.
        Enclosed you will please find a letter of recommendation from 
    my present employer who likes my service very much but have to let
    me go,for the firm is going to be closed. While working with China 
    Trading Company, I have a good chance to know many clients in this

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