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12-17 04:20:35 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8372
导读:2001/10 ~ 2003 / 06 × × University Student Union Beijing Propaganda Department of the Minister ◆ 12.9 students for planning and implementation of large-scale publicity activities; to help enterprises of publicity into the campus; with other departments to complete the daily work of students ◆ and × × × × cooperation, successfully organized the first North × "×××× Show, "nearly 000

2001/10 ~ 2003 / 06 × × University Student Union Beijing Propaganda Department of the Minister

◆ 12.9 students for planning and implementation of large-scale publicity activities; to help enterprises of publicity into the campus; with other departments to complete the daily work of students

◆ and × × × × cooperation, successfully organized the first North × "×××× Show, "nearly 000 works on display

Exercise a reasonable time, the ability to work efficiently; established trivial when faced with pressure and the confidence and patience; trained publicity activities

2001/10 ~ 2004 / 09 × × University, Beijing Youth League Committee, deputy editor-in-chief directly under the weekly "×××"

◆ responsible for internal and external coordination and communication; successful edition of the newspaper 0 to 00 version of the expansion; responsible for military training during the 00 "× × × newspaper" with the publication of the planning

◆ 00 "××××" Anniversary of the interview activities, the collection of well-known alumni information, contact the success of an interview with well-known alumni of 0 and write articles, published in the "××××"; "000 days celebration in 2000 countdown" activities for the whole coverage

Culture of news events and the keen ability to grasp; tempered communication and interview skills; improve the organizational capacity of language and the ability to write articles


Self-confidence, optimism, a strong sense of responsibility; strong teamwork and communication skills; strong resistance capacity; loving to sing, travel, badminton, etc.

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