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12-17 04:22:45 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8253
导读:Player of the college volleyball team. 学院排球队队员。 Goalkeeper of the university soccer team. 大学足球队守门员。 Won the first place in men\'s one-thousand-meter race at the university student sports of Jiangsu Province in 1987. 1987年在江苏省大学生体育运动会中获男子1000米跑第一名。 Won championship in women\'s five-hundred-meter swimming race at the college sports meet in 1991. 在1991年的校体育运动会中获女子500米游泳赛冠军。上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
  Player of the college volleyball team. 学院排球队队员。
  Goalkeeper of the university soccer team. 大学足球队守门员。
  Won the first place in men\'s one-thousand-meter race at the university student sports of Jiangsu Province in 1987. 1987年在江苏省大学生体育运动会中获男子1000米跑第一名。
  Won championship in women\'s five-hundred-meter swimming race at the college sports meet in 1991. 在1991年的校体育运动会中获女子500米游泳赛冠军。

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