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12-17 04:23:53 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8837
导读: Cover letter is your company corresponding to the recruiting department cast out, often the vast majority of companies are recruiting a lot of departments with recruitment, so this time, we must note: cover letter written in the name of the department must be based on job candidates to determine, for example, is the manager's words demand, and thus write:: XXX managers a letter grade! You can also use your name to write, such as the XXX of the co

      Cover letter is your company corresponding to the recruiting department cast out, often the vast majority of companies are recruiting a lot of departments with recruitment, so this time, we must note: cover letter written in the name of the department must be based on job candidates to determine, for example, is the manager's words demand, and thus write:: XXX managers a letter grade! You can also use your name to write, such as the XXX of the cover letter, candidates Editor: Candidates XX, or XX of the cover letter editing.

Tag:英文简历写作英文简历范文,个人简历模板个人求职简历 - 英文简历写作
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