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12-17 04:24:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8515
导读:奖励Rewards在校期间曾经获得奖学金,论文奖,三好学生,优秀团员,优秀干部等荣誉奖均可列举出来。例如:Scholarship from the university in 1994. 1994年获校级奖学金。Scholarship from the department in 1995. 1995年获系级奖学金。Xianzi Zeng Scholarship for Life Science in 1993. 1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金。Won the title of Excellent League Member in 1992. 1992年荣获优秀团员称号。Elected a“Three Goods”Student in 1991. 1991年被评为“三好”学生。Won the title of Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 1990. 1990年荣获校学生会优秀干部

  Scholarship from the university in 1994. 1994年获校级奖学金。
  Scholarship from the department in 1995. 1995年获系级奖学金。
  Xianzi Zeng Scholarship for Life Science in 1993. 1993年获曾宪梓生命科学奖学金。
  Won the title of Excellent League Member in 1992. 1992年荣获优秀团员称号。
  Elected a“Three Goods”Student in 1991. 1991年被评为“三好”学生。
  Won the title of Excellent Leader of the University Student Council in 1990. 1990年荣获校学生会优秀干部称号。

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