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12-17 04:30:31 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8120
导读:发邮件太块。我们知道每个人都很忙,没有时间,但是如果邮件中充满错误,这会让你在和你做生意的人眼里看来不专业,所以花片刻扫一眼写过的内容是否是你要表达的。Also, when you rush, people have been known to forget the attachment. It may sound silly but there have been a number of times that people have sent me things that said "it's all explained in the attachment" when there was no attachment. This leaves me clueless and them looking very unprofessional. So just think about what you're doing and take the time to get it


Also, when you rush, people have been known to forget the attachment. It may sound silly but there have been a number of times that people have sent me things that said "it's all explained in the attachment" when there was no attachment. This leaves me clueless and them looking very unprofessional. So just think about what you're doing and take the time to get it done right the first time.


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