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12-17 04:30:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作   阅读:8135
导读:I hope the salary is 50,000 RMB per year. My salary requirement is in the $200,000-$350,000 range with appropriate benefits.I would be willing to relocate for the right opportunity. The salary required is 18,000 per month,living in the house. I got five thousand and five hundred per month. I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary. I am quite willing to start with a small salary.

I hope the salary is 50,000 RMB per year.

My salary requirement is in the $200,000-$350,000 range with appropriate benefits.I would be

willing to relocate for the right opportunity.

The salary required is 18,000 per month,living in the house.

I got five thousand and five hundred per month.

I am willing to serve on trial for some months at a small salary.

I am quite willing to start with a small salary.

Tag:英文简历写作英文简历范文,个人简历模板个人求职简历 - 英文简历写作
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