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10-16 00:10:11 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8455
导读:Start date – Present Name of the Organization Location  Description of company (if necessary)  Position  Work and responsibility (Verb: Simple Present Tense)  Result and responsibility  Quality gained from the work
Start date – Present    Name of the Organization                        Location   
 Description of company (if necessary)                       
 Position                                                 
 Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Present Tense)           
 Result and responsibility                                     
 Quality gained from the work                                 

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location   
 Description of company (if necessary)                       
 Position                                                 
 Work and responsibility  (Verb: Simple Past Tense)             
 Result and responsibility                                     
 Quality gained from the work                                 

Start date – End Date  Name of the Organization                       Location   

 Description of company (if necessary)                       
 Position                                                 

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