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10-16 00:10:11 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8266
导读: 英文简历--副总裁(Bill) ZHAO Add: Xingfu Villiage No 2 Chaoyang District Beijing Tel: (8610) 1234567 (H) Fax: (8610) 64112345 Mobile: (86) 139* Email: PERSONAL DATA:Date of Birth: December 23, 1962Sex: MaleNationality: British/ChineseMarital Status: Married with one daughter EDUATIONS:1986-1989: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY (DARWIN COLLEGE) Cambridge, UKMaster of Science in Aeronautical Engineering



(Bill) ZHAO

 Add: Xingfu Villiage No 2   Chaoyang District   Beijing 
Tel:   (8610) 1234567 (H)
Fax:  (8610) 64112345
Mobile:  (86) 139*********


Date of Birth:  December 23, 1962

Sex:    Male

Nationality:  British/Chinese

Marital Status: Married with one daughter



Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering

1985-1986  SHANGHAI FOREIGN LANGUAGES UNIVERSITY  Shanghai, ChinaIntensive English Training Programme 

1981-1985  BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS & ASTRONAUTICS  BeijingBachelor of Science in Engineering


2004-   Citichamp Holding Ltd(HongKong)       Beijing/Hong Kong
Citichamp Dartong Corporation Ltd  

    Deputy Chairman of the Board
 Responsible for various businesses of the group in mainland China, specially theoverall direction, strategic planning and management structure for Citichamp Dartong, a Shanghai Stock Exchange listed company with 2.4 billion RMB assets, with main businesses covering real estate development and electric-machinery product manufacturing.

2002- 2004  China Automobile Association Ltd       Beijing/Sydney
Chief Executive Officer
Retain overall control, direction and total responsibility for the day-to-day Operation (3-shifts Rescue Service, Call Centre, Supplier Logistics,

Technology Development), Profit&Loss, all Functions(Admin&HR, Finance, Sales&Marketing, Product Development, Customer Relation, IT Development) and long-term Strategy of this Foreign-Invested Enterprise company 100% owned by Insurance Australia Group with some 150 staff and US$10m investment. The scope of business covers 24hr roadside breakdown recovery assistance, insurance agency businesses, members services and  benefits programmes to the base of 150,000 memberships in Beijing. Also being responsible for advising the shareholder on the insurance and investment businesses in China. 

2000-2001       Airshowchina.com Ltd       Beijing,  China

President and CEO

Being in charge of this hi-tech aviation company of some 30 strong personnel, the main responsibility is the overall control and the general direction of its total business operation and budgetary control, covering the day-to-day management, the financial plan and control, sales and marketing, human resources, public relations, customer services, technological support, product development and management. The company is a joint venture of Zhuhai Airshow Company, Aviation Industry of China Corporation I, and Hewllet Packard.

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