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10-16 00:10:11 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8461
导读:Assistant Financial ManagerResponsible for taxation claims; Conducted budget setting and monitoring.07/90-05/92 Shanghai Tea Import & Export Co.Ltd.Chief Accountant / Internal Auditor Responsible for bookkeeping and maintenance of general ledger.PERSONALFluent written and spoken English and Mandarin. Actively participate in sports, reading and traveling. 更多相关文章:图形图像专业个人简历范文、外贸业务助理个人简历、财务会计个人简历范文上一页 [1] [2]

  Assistant Financial Manager

  Responsible for taxation claims;

   Conducted budget setting and monitoring.

  07/90-05/92   Shanghai Tea Import & Export Co.Ltd.

  Chief Accountant / Internal Auditor
   Responsible for bookkeeping and maintenance of general ledger.


  Fluent written and spoken English and Mandarin.
  Actively participate in sports, reading and traveling.


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