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10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8881
导读:Responsibilities:Apply common used traction, assist doctors or technicians in plaster cast application, co-operate with physiotherapits and occupational therapists in helping patients to restore function in activities of daily living, establish and carry out nursing care plan, patient health education, wound management and pain control, make rounds with doctors, maintain central lines and drains, supervise and guide junior staff.Equipments Used:Splints, sl


Apply common used traction, assist doctors or technicians in plaster cast application, co-operate with physiotherapits and occupational therapists in helping patients to restore function in activities of daily living, establish and carry out nursing care plan, patient health education, wound management and pain control, make rounds with doctors, maintain central lines and drains, supervise and guide junior staff.

Equipments Used:

Splints, slings and braces, CPM machine, Volume Infusion Pump, VAC(vacuum) Machine, Compact Feeding Machine, Patient Self-controlled Analgesic Infusion Machine, Lifescan Blood Sugar Monitoring System, Dynamap Vital Signs Recorder, AV Lower Limb Pump, Pulse Oxymeter, continuous and intermittent suction, Pulmo-Aide Nebulizer, Air-Viva, ventilation reservoir bag, Hewlett Packard Defibrillator, and ECG machine

Period:         December 1999 to August 2001

Job Title:    Registered Nurse

Ward:          General Surgical Ward, International SOS Guangzhou Office

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