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10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历模板   阅读:8540
导读:电子信息工程毕业生英文简历yichun yangbeijing university of chemica technoogy, china (86)xxxxxxxxxx e-mai: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx education beijing university of chemica technoogy(buct), coege of information science & technoogy(cist) bacheor of engineering (expected in juy, 2009) major: eectronic information engineeringintern experience2008/08-2008/09


yichun yang
beijing university of chemica technoogy, china
 (86)xxxxxxxxxx    e-mai: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

 beijing university of chemica technoogy(buct),
 coege of information science & technoogy(cist)
 bacheor of engineering (expected in juy, 2009)
 major: eectronic information engineering

intern experience
2008/08-2008/09   industria  and  commercia bank  of china(icbc), jinghai  branch
                                                      technoogy department (td)
 to maintain the computer and other office equipment of the bank
 giving assistance to the td of the instaation of termina equipment
 getting to know the instaation and maintenance of the bank's equipment
2007/09-2007/ 10   beijing  eastfair  technoogy  td              part-time assistant
 have a hand in panning the 13th china buiding exhibition
 designing questionnaires and anayzing the statistics
 advancing new process,reduce the working pressure and improve the efficiency
 improving my eadership and executive abiity
2006/07-2006/08    cuicun town of beijing city                      assistant foreman
 conducting a survey about the economic condition and interviewing successfu farmers
 improving my hard-working abiity, anaytica and communicative skis

socia experience                                                                                                                             共2页,当前第1页1

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