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10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历模板   阅读:8961
导读: Doing well in communication, organization and management. Having a lot of experience in organizing and taking part in the activities in school. Self-recommendation letter During the time in university, I paid more attention to the development in all sides and aspired to get promotion in comprehensive qualities with the goal:
   Doing well in communication, organization and management. Having a lot of experience in organizing and taking part in the activities in school. Self-recommendation letter    During the time in university, I paid more attention to the development in all sides and aspired to get promotion in comprehensive qualities with the goal: to have specialty, capability, quality and good intercommunication skill in the society. Based on this aim, I got a strong ability in learning skills and dealing with difficulties calmly and efficiently. Furthermore, I am an outgoing and passionate teenage with a strong sense of leadership and responsibility, which are cultivated from my experience as a student leader. I had also done several practices, such as part-time jobs and the intern, helping me to become a comprehensive person with ability. Address:   Work Tel:   Home Tel:   Mobile Phone:   msn/QQ:   Email:   Web/Blog:  

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