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10-16 00:06:50 来源:http://www.qz26.com 求职简历模板   阅读:8644
导读:Candidate for Bachelor in Application Chemistry degree Major academic courses highlights: Calculous, Professional English, Chemistry Elements, CosmeticTechnology Essence Technology, Psychology, Dope&Dye Technology, Analysis Chemistry, Psychology Chemistry Skills: Hold application chemistry and skill Managing time effectively Maintaining order and helping people resolve interpersonal conflicts: Giving clear directionsPersonal
Candidate for Bachelor in Application Chemistry degree
Major academic courses highlights: Calculous, Professional English, Chemistry Elements, CosmeticTechnology Essence Technology, Psychology, Dope&Dye Technology, Analysis Chemistry, Psychology Chemistry
 Hold application chemistry and skill
 Managing time effectively
 Maintaining order and helping people resolve interpersonal conflicts:
 Giving clear directions
Personal Qualifications:
 Easy-going
 Patient
 Able to work cooperatively as part of a larger unit
 Good with people
 Able to pay attention to several tasks simultaneously
 Good command of Excel,Word and other Office software
 Make full use of Internet
 Fluent oral English and Mandarin
Professional Experience:
 technological experiment in summer vacation
 laboratory assistant in the chemistry lab  
 Summer Job & Part-time  Tutor,
Personal Experience:
 Apr.2006~present  
Network manager of the Campus Network Center
 Jun.2007    
The noviciate of langqi washing power factory,huoli beer factory, laboratory factory
 Sep.2004~Jul.2005  
    The noviciate of metalworking workshop in ShaoguanUniversity
 College English Test Band4(CET4)
 Computer Capability Test Band1 (Visual Basic)
 mandarin level test
Honors and Awards:
Excellence Member, Excellence student cadre,learning excellence award,and so on
Avialable on request    个人联系方式 通讯地址: 广州市天河区棠下涌东路 (邮编: 510630) 联系电话: 15917486517  家庭电话:   手  机: 159XXXX QQ号码:   电子邮件: XXXXXXXX@163.com  个人主页:  

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