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12-17 08:29:13 来源:http://www.qz26.com 简历表格   阅读:8180
导读: 希望工作地区:广州市荔湾区、越秀区,海珠区,等等备注: 中介、保险、交费公司勿电勿扰 English Resume: PersonalName Jennie Age 24 Place of Birth Guangzhou Citizen China Summary1.Experience in trading communication2.Familiar with the process of handling business orders. 3.Proficient in Photoshop, Microsoft Office Software, Dreamweaver and so on..Experience 2004.5-2005.12 Hua Tong Marketing Reserach Co., Ltd Order Processing A
备注: 中介、保险、交费公司勿电勿扰
English Resume: Personal
Name Jennie
Age 24
Place of Birth Guangzhou
Citizen China

1.Experience in trading communication
2.Familiar with the process of handling business orders.
3.Proficient in Photoshop, Microsoft Office Software, Dreamweaver and so on..

2004.5-2005.12 Hua Tong Marketing Reserach Co., Ltd
Order Processing Assistant
Zhong Cheng International TradingCo.,Ltd

2003--2006 Guangdong Communications College
2000--2003 FengShui Middle School

Receive College English Test-2(A)
Photoshop ,Ms Office Certificates

Dear Sir/Miss,

During college time, my job experience included being a clerk in electrical company and being a Sales at surpermarket for several months.Though I have just graduated from college, I have working experience in foreign trade more than one year.

I am a hard-working person with strong team spirit; I apply myself when given opportunities and boldly face new challenges. Please contact me by phone to arrange for an interview anytime at your convenience. Tks!!

Yours Sincerely,


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