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07-19 16:34:06 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历表格   阅读:8618
导读: 详细个人自传 Warm, lively and cheerful character of I, psychological quality, optimism, progressive, well a sincere and frank. Can be hard, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, are less vulnerable to interference from the external environment. In learning, I work actively in the thorough knowledge of at the same time, pay attention to the combination of theory and pra
  Warm, lively and cheerful character of I, psychological quality, optimism, progressive, well a sincere and frank. Can be hard, strong adaptability and self-learning ability, are less vulnerable to interference from the external environment.
  In learning, I work actively in the thorough knowledge of at the same time, pay attention to the combination of theory and practice of work, time for a variety of after school learning and the use of computers and master.
   Chinese medicine hospital in Qingyuan City, laboratory practice, I insist on combining theory and practice. Teachers in a systematic manner under the guidance of biochemical, immune, blood, bacteria, an analysis of various diseases, the focus of serious study of the immune Room of the various projects ELISA, various hormones on the machine operation; bacteria Room the cultivation of various bacteria and identification; biochemical quality control, calibration, Hitachi 7080 biochemical analyzer and various chemical and biological items, such as the machine operation; clinical room blood, blood routine examination of four instruments; in the blood chamber blood spot on the normal cell morphology and identification of the master, and can identify the abnormal form. During the accumulation of a certain experience, mastered the technical operations of conventional tests, to operate a variety of large-scale apparatus, able to work independently, work earnestly, to be subject teachers alike, a good work to help teachers become effective teachers assistant.

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