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07-19 16:35:51 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历表格   阅读:8160
导读:educational backgroundname of school:petroleum university highest degree:associatedate of graduation:2004-07-01name of major 1:business englishname of major 2: education experience:start dateend dateeducation organizationmajorscertificatecertificate no2001-092004-07petroleum universitybusiness english**language abilityforeign language:englishlevel:excellentchinese level:excellentcantonese level:excellentrelevant skills and abilities www.qz26.com i b
educational background
name of school:petroleum university
highest degree:associatedate of graduation:2004-07-01
name of major 1:business englishname of major 2: 
education experience:
start dateend dateeducation organizationmajorscertificatecertificate no
2001-092004-07petroleum universitybusiness english**
language ability
foreign language:englishlevel:excellent
chinese level:excellentcantonese level:excellent
relevant skills and abilities
 i believe it can be done if you do it by heart.

hard work and heart work are the 2 important things to get successful.
self-recommendation letter
 1) good spoken english, operate computer, perfect communication.
2) well know with many markets in garment, garment acc, furniture, lighting, ceramic.
work tel:home tel: 
mobile phone:msn/qq: 
email: web/blog: 

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