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07-19 16:37:58 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历表格   阅读:8541
导读: REFERENCES: and, in some cases, portfolios or transcripts can be listed as "available upon request" if you have enough room at the bottom of the resume. Have references, phone numbers, and business addresses ready on a separate sheet whenever you go to an interview. Remember to keep all information on the resume concise and clear. A one-page resume is best, although people with extensive experience or advanced degrees may have to use two

    REFERENCES: and, in some cases, portfolios or transcripts can be listed as "available upon request" if you have enough room at the bottom of the resume. Have references, phone numbers, and business addresses ready on a separate sheet whenever you go to an interview.

    Remember to keep all information on the resume concise and clear. A one-page resume is best, although people with extensive experience or advanced degrees may have to use two pages. Be scrupulously careful when you proofread; some employers will refuse to consider candidates who submit resumes with spelling or typographical errors.

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