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12-17 10:50:02 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历范文   阅读:8794
导读: Dear Sir / Miss, During college time, my job experience included being a clerk in electrical company and being a Sales at surpermarket for several months.Though I have just graduated from college, I have working experience in foreign trade more than one year. I am a hard-working person with strong team spirit; I apply myself when given opportunities and boldly face new challenges. Please contact me by phone to arrange for an interview anytime at your con


Dear Sir / Miss,

During college time, my job experience included being a clerk in electrical company and being a Sales at surpermarket for several months.Though I have just graduated from college, I have working experience in foreign trade more than one year.

I am a hard-working person with strong team spirit; I apply myself when given opportunities and boldly face new challenges. Please contact me by phone to arrange for an interview anytime at your convenience. Tks!!

                                                    Yours Sincerely,


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