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12-17 10:54:33 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历范文   阅读:8683
导读:With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other. Though I personally possess many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research. My love for computer sciences and my inquisitiveness had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admission, and I have decided .

With the ever-increasing level of my work, I am feeling strongly that the theoretical study and actual practice are equally important and dependent on each other. Though I personally possess many years of experiences in actual practices, there is always need for me to extend my existing theoretical basis for future research. My love for computer sciences and my inquisitiveness had pushed me to apply for your graduate school admission, and I have decided . should I be accepted by you, I will concentrate on the field of net-work-data-communication, then make a breakthrough on my current ways of thinking in computer related research and development. Finally, I expect that I, myself, as one member of today's world of computer domain, I should strive to offer my best professional computer service to our society

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