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10-16 00:00:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8474
导读:total(standard and sub-standard) production(in thousands)standard production(in thousands)july 70 60aug 60 55sept 85 65oct 100 80nov 95 85dec 100 90sale price: standard: $5.7 per 100sub-stand:$2.85 per 100答案是:1. D W. Germany2. AB 23.5%3. C 1,044,0004. B Increase of 84,9005. E No change6. C 137.50声明:图2 原是一张图表,为了刊登,特将它变为了直观的数字上一页 [1] [2]
KPMG 样题,标签:银行笔试题目,企业笔试题目,http://www.qz26.com
total(standard and sub-standard) production(in thousands)
standard production(in thousands)
july 70 60
aug 60 55
sept 85 65
oct 100 80
nov 95 85
dec 100 90
sale price: standard: $5.7 per 100
sub-stand:$2.85 per 100
1. D W. Germany
2. AB 23.5%
3. C 1,044,000
4. B Increase of 84,900
5. E No change
6. C 137.50
声明:图2 原是一张图表,为了刊登,特将它变为了直观的数字

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