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10-16 00:00:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8764
导读:5.你有两个罐子,50个红色弹球,50个蓝色弹球,随机选出一个罐子,随机选取出一个弹球放入罐子,怎么给红色弹球最大的选中机会?在你的计划中,得到红球的准确几率是多少?6.想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? 我是 7.你有四人装药丸的罐子,每个药丸都有一定的重量,被污染的药丸是没被污染的重量+1.只称量一次,如何判断哪个罐子的药被污染了?8.如果你有无穷多的水,一个3夸脱的和一个5夸脱的提桶,你如何准确称出4夸脱的水?9.你有一桶果冻,其中有黄色,绿色,红色三种,,闭上眼睛选出同样颜色的两个,抓取同种颜色的两个。抓取多少个就可以确定你肯定有两个同一颜色的果冻?10.将汽车钥匙插入车门,向哪个方向旋转就可以打开车锁?11.如果要你能去掉50个州的任何一个,那你去掉哪一个,为什么? . 微软招聘智力测试题 只有5分钟,超过5分钟就放弃,因为你绝对不会被微软招聘.这是微软招聘时的智力测试!!!!超过5分钟,淘汰!!!!test 1烧一根不均匀的绳需用一个小时,如何用它来判断半个小
6.想象你在镜子前,请问,为什么镜子中的影像可以颠倒左右,却不能颠倒上下? 我是
11.如果要你能去掉50个州的任何一个,那你去掉哪一个,为什么? .
test 1
烧一根不均匀的绳需用一个小时,如何用它来判断半个小时? www.qz26.com
test 2。。。
test 3
1.Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high demanding goal and saw it through completion?
2.Summerize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important task or issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results you wanted.
3. Describe a situation where you had to seek out a relevant information, define key issues, and decide on which steps to take to get the desired results.
4. Describe an instance where you made effective use of facts to secure the agreement of others.
5. Give an example of how you worked effectively with people to accomplish an important result.
6.Desribe a creative/innovative idea that you produced which led to a significant contribution to the success of an activity or project.
7.Provide an example of how you assessed a situation and achieved good results by focusing on the most important priorities.
8.Provide an example of how you acquired technical skills and converted them to practical application.
A.T. keaney代表性考题
1.Describe your greatest achievement in the past 4-5 years?
2.What are your short-term and long-term career objectives? What do you think is the most ideal job for you?
3.Why do you want to join A.T kearney? What do you think you can contribute to A.T kearney?
4.Why are you applying for a position at Arthur Anderson?
5. What are your expectations of our firm.
6. Describe your hobbies and interests.
3.所谓的智力题一般都是如果你明天去火星300年,今天晚上你最想做的一件事是什么? .
* Why is a manhole cover round?
* How many cars are there in the USA?
* You've got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at the end of every day. If you are only allowed to make two breaks in the gold bar, how do you pay your worker?
* One train leaves Los Angeles at 15mph heading for New York. Another train leaves from New York at 20mph heading for Los Angeles on the same track. If a bird, flying at 25mph, leaves from Los Angeles at the same time as the train and flies back and forth between the two trains until they collide, how far will the bird have traveled?

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