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10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8514
导读:1.环境的破坏是人类生活水平提高的不可避免的后果,你同意不同意?2. using cell phones while driving should be illegal!3. some people think we should not encourage sports at school because they can cause competition rather than cooperation. to what extent do you agree or disagree?4. is it fair to cover the celebrities' private lives? or is it an invasion to their privacy? what is your opinion?5.女性很难在孩子和工作间both effective,your opinion?6. 出国读书的好处和坏处7. at age 16, children should engage in


  2. using cell phones while driving should be illegal!

  3. some people think we should not encourage sports at school because they can cause competition rather than cooperation. to what extent do you agree or disagree?

  4. is it fair to cover the celebrities' private lives? or is it an invasion to their privacy? what is your opinion?

  5.女性很难在孩子和工作间both effective,your opinion?

  6. 出国读书的好处和坏处

  7. at age 16, children should engage in some kind of paid work, it is valuable experience in learning and taking responsibility. what's your opinion?

  8. 教育是job-based or broad-based?

  9. mobile phone 是不是应该在 public area禁止

  10. business education and training must promote environmental awareness. do you agree or disagree this opinion?

  11. 现在很多小孩子很小就被送到幼儿园或者找人照看,这可以使妈妈们更早的回到工作岗位,问你的看法如何

  12. do you agree or disagree like the world cup and other internatinal sportings can ease international tentions

  13. 人们坚持要诚信和真实,但是有时候不得已要说谎,which extent do you agree or disagree?

  14. do you agree that we can learn something about your country from watching movies, example support you viewpoint

  15. 电影演员和企业boss收入高,护士、医生和老师收入却不高。你同意不?你认为收入标准该如何定?

  16. 电脑技术的迅速发展使得语言的翻译越来越容易,未来人们就不用学外语了?你同意不?to what extent?

  17. do you think it is a good idea that college student take part time job?

  18.有些人认为成功是因为努力(hard work)但是另一些人认为luck也很重要,你同意不同意?

  19.do you agree of disagree that parents are best teachers?give examples



  22. what must china do to improve the confidence of foreign investors and creat a stable and open market economy?

  23. whether people who have originate ideas are of greater value to the society than those who simply copy ideas from others

  24. 旅游业是经济中的一个获利行业,但是有人认为它使得旅游地方的环境和文化遭到破坏

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