C/C++ 笔试、面试题目大汇总
(4)virtual 关键字可有可无。
(4)基类函数必须有virtual 关键字。
(2)如果派生类的函数与基类的函数同名,并且参数也相同,但是基类函数没有virtual 关键字。此时,基类的函数被隐藏(注意别与覆盖混淆)
35. There are two int variables: a and b, don’t use “if”, “? :”, “switch”or other judgement statements, find out the biggest one of the two numbers.
答案:( ( a + b ) + abs( a - b ) ) / 2
36. 如何打印出当前源文件的文件名以及源文件的当前行号?
cout << __FILE__ ;
cout<<__LINE__ ;
37. main 主函数执行完毕后,是否可能会再执行一段代码,给出说明?
答案:可以,可以用_onexit 注册一个函数,它会在main 之后执行int fn1(void), fn2(void), fn3(void), fn4 (void);
void main( void )
String str("zhanglin");
_onexit( fn1 );
_onexit( fn2 );
_onexit( fn3 );
_onexit( fn4 );
printf( "This is executed first.\n" );
int fn1()
printf( "next.\n" );
return 0;
int fn2()
printf( "executed " );
return 0;
int fn3()
printf( "is " );
return 0;
int fn4()
printf( "This " );
return 0;
The _onexit function is passed the address of a function (func) to be called when the program terminates normally. Successive calls to _onexit create a register of functions that are executed in LIFO (last-in-first-out) order. The functions passed to _onexit cannot take parameters.
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