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12-17 15:52:49 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8851
导读:结束的时候小激动了一下,tracy,就是今天的主考,福特(中国)上海总公司人力资源部,专门负责每年新吸收的培训生的培训工作.她在收试卷的时候问我从九龙湖过来远不远,还说她记得当时在我们学校的宣讲会结束后我问了她一个问题,连问的问题是什么她都记得...顿时有种受宠若惊的感觉~面试的通知要等两到三周,以笔试通知的速度来看,应该也不会给你留什么准备时间,即今天通知后天面试,差不多~打电话把情况汇报了一下,大家都觉得满好的,能给主考留下印象就好.我就奇怪了,是不是我特容易给人留下印象...不过很喜欢tracy的笑容,毕竟是跟人打交道的,特别大方随和,那叫什么~亲和力..恩..这点我好象也有..哈哈~要低调..总之,第一次笔试自己比较满意..不管结果如何,算是开了个好头吧:) 下午回学校.明天SRTP结题答辩,加油~德尔福笔试(机械类)--ZZ德尔福机械类试题:1,Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting),forming,coining and embossingin st






  1,Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting),forming,coining and embossing in stamping process.

  2,What is metal clading?

  3,What is the purpose of adding glass fiber to thermoplastic material?

  4,In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material,which has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE).

  5,The most suitable material for a integral hinge design(typical plastic thickness=0.25 to 0.5mm at hinge)

  6,Can a bending load makes both compressive and tensile stress in a member?

  7,What is the design criteria used in plastics catch/snap?

  8,What is FEA?

  9,Why is natural frequency important in vibration analysis?

  10,What is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge?


  1. Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting), forming, coining and emboss

  ing in stamping process.

  2. What is metal clading?

  3. What is the purpose of adding glass fiber to thermoplastic material?

  4. In contrast with metal and thermoplastic material,which has a higher co

  efficient of thermal expansion(CTE).

  5. The most suitable material for a integral hinge design (typical plastic

  thickness=0.25 to 0.5mm at hinge)

  6. Can a bending load makes both compressive and tensile stress in a membe


  7. What is the design criteria used in plastics catch/snap?

  8. What is FEA?

  9. Why is natural frequency important in vibration analysis?

  10. What is the deflection equation of a cantilever beam fixed at one edge

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