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KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助

10-15 23:54:55 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试技巧   阅读:8247
导读:KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助 KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助发信人: afm (Relax, Relax, ... and Go!), hr.kpmg.com.cn/kpmg/asp/content/aptitude.aspTips:1.To answer questions as soon as possible, because of the limit time.2.Read some economic short articles very quickly befor test.
KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助,标签:面试的技巧,销售面试技巧,http://www.qz26.com

KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助

KPMG笔试例题 对笔试很有帮助

发信人: afm (Relax, Relax, ... and Go!),



  1.To answer questions as soon as possible, because of the limit time.

  2.Read some economic short articles very quickly befor test.


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