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05-13 15:26:23 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试问题   阅读:8101
导读:72. Recall a time when you were assigned what you considered to be a complex project. Specifically, what steps did you take to prepare for and finish the project? Were you happy with the outcome? What one step would you have done differently if given the chance?73. What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?74. How was your transition from high school to college? Did you face any particular problems?75. Tell of some situations in

72. Recall a time when you were assigned what you considered to be a complex project. Specifically, what steps did you take to prepare for and finish the project? Were you happy with the outcome? What one step would you have done differently if given the chance?

73. What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?

74. How was your transition from high school to college? Did you face any particular problems?

75. Tell of some situations in which you have had to adjust quickly to changes over which you had no control. What was the impact of the change on you?

76. Compare and contrast the times when you did work which was above the standard with times your work was below the standard.

77. Describe some times when you were not very satisfied or pleased with your performance. What did you do about it?

78. What are your standards of success in school? What have you done to meet these standards?

79. How have you differed from your professors in evaluating your performance? How did you handle the situation?

80. Give examples of your experiences at school or in a job that were satisfying. Give examples of your experiences that were dissatisfying.

81. What kind of supervisor do you work best for? Provide examples.

82. Describe some projects or ideas (not necessarily your own) that were implemented, or carried out successfully primarily because of your efforts.

83. Describe a situation that required a number of things to be done at the same time. How did you handle it? What was the result?

84. Have you found any ways to make school or a job easier or more rewarding or to make yourself more effective?

85. How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.

86. Tell of a time when your active listening skills really paid off for you - maybe a time when other people missed the key idea being expressed.

87. What has been your experience in giving presentations? What has been your most successful experience in speech making?

88. Tell of the most difficult customer service experience that you have ever had to handle -- perhaps an angry or irate customer. Be specific and tell what you did and what was the outcome.

89. Give an example of when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with. Why was this person difficult? How did you handle that person?

90. Describe a situation where you found yourself dealing with someone who didn't like you. How did you handle it?

91. Give me a specific example of something you did that helped build enthusiasm in others.

92. Tell me about a difficult situation when it was desirable for you to keep a positive attitude. What did you do?

93. Give me an example of a time you had to make an important decision. How did you make the decision? How does it affect you today?

94. Give me an example of a time you had to persuade other people to take action. Were you successful?

95. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult person. How did you handle the situation?

96. Tell me about a time you had to handle multiple responsibilities. How did you organize the work you needed to do?

97. Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision, but didn't have all the information you needed.

98. What suggestions do you have for our organization?

99. What is the most significant contribution you made to the company during a past job or internship?

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