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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8716
导读:正确。即使你渴望马上知道工作的底薪和福利,在最初的面试中问这类的问题也有点冒险。把这些问题留到你拿到工作的offer时再协商吧。10. It doesn’’’’t matter if I’’’’m five minutes late. Everyone runs late to interviews。10、我迟到五分钟没关系。每个人面试都可能迟到。False. It’’’’s OK for your interviewer to be late, but the interviewee needs to be on time or 5-10 minutes early. Even if you have a good reason for being late, the interviewer will make assumptions about your lev


  10. It doesn’’’’t matter if I’’’’m five minutes late. Everyone runs late to interviews。


  False. It’’’’s OK for your interviewer to be late, but the interviewee needs to be on time or 5-10 minutes early. Even if you have a good reason for being late, the interviewer will make assumptions about your level of organization how you treat others. Plus, getting there early gives you time to compose yourself shake off your coffee jitters。


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