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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8438
导读:那位IT经理在辛辛那提和其他求职者及咨询师一起参加Right Management的训练课程后改变了思路。他后来的回答是,由于每天长时间忙于工作,他发现自己很难及时了解世界大事。因此,他每天晚上在家花30分钟恶补这方面的信息。When the manager pursued an opportunity at a global drug maker, his revamped response 'really resonated with the interviewer,' says Mr. Santora. The manufacturer hired the man.桑特拉说,当他后来在一家全球性制药企业求职时,他的回答让面试官很有共鸣。这家公司最后雇用了他。It's equally important that you consider an employer's corporate culture. While being interviewed by a start

  那位IT经理在辛辛那提和其他求职者及咨询师一起参加Right Management的训练课程后改变了思路。他后来的回答是,由于每天长时间忙于工作,他发现自己很难及时了解世界大事。因此,他每天晚上在家花30分钟恶补这方面的信息。

  When the manager pursued an opportunity at a global drug maker, his revamped response 'really resonated with the interviewer,' says Mr. Santora. The manufacturer hired the man.


  It's equally important that you consider an employer's corporate culture. While being interviewed by a start-up, 'you could say, 'My weakness is I get bored by routine,'' says Ben Dattner, a New York industrial psychologist.

  考虑目标公司的企业文化也同样重要。纽约心理学家达特纳(Ben Dattner)说,如果到一家初创公司面试,你可以说,“我的缺点是容易对日常的循规蹈矩感到厌烦”。

  Last month, an aspiring executive director of a nonprofit group in suburban San Francisco nearly jeopardized his selection because his reply to a variation of the weakness question ignored one of its core values, according to Ms. Klaus, a board member there. Near the end of his interview, she wondered whether he might have problems with any aspects of the job. 'No, I am confident I could do it all,' the prospect declared.


  His flip comment dismayed Ms. Klaus, because she felt he lacked awareness of his weaknesses. She says his response raised doubts among board members that 'he would be able to take critical feedback,' an attribute the organization values highly.


  Because the man was well-qualified, the board gave him a second interview——and demanded a fuller explanation of his weak spots. He said he had been 'unprepared for that question and nervous about coming out with a big fatal flaw,' then described his tendency to make decisions too fast during workplace crises. Board members' doubts disappeared, and they picked him for the nonprofit's top job.


  Ideally, your reply also should exclude the word 'weakness' and cover your corrective steps. Dubbing your greatest fault a 'window of opportunity' signals your improvement efforts should benefit the workplace, says Oscar Adler, a retired Maidenform Brands sales executive and author of the book, 'Sell Yourself in Any Interview.' For instance, he suggests, a salesman might note that he sold more after strengthening his facility with numbers.

  理想的情况是,你在回答中应尽量避免使用“缺点”这样的词,同时还可以提到改正措施。Maidenform Brands销售主管、《在面试中推销自己》(Sell Yourself in Any Interview)一书的作者阿德勒(Oscar Adler)说,将你最大的缺点转化为“机会之窗”,表明你的改善措施将使工作受益。比如他建议说,销售人员可以说,在强化数学能力后,销售业绩上升了。

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