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12-15 18:58:16 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文求职信范文   阅读:8967
导读:To please your readers: The third paragraph should clarify why you want this particular company. Explain why you and your company a good fit. The recruiter that you have done your research. Talk about a recent company event or express your company is not widely known aspect of interest. Remember: Everyone loves flattery, but do not go head.Follow-Up: Your final paragraph should be only a few sentences. Thank the recruiter for reading your letter, then requ

To please your readers: The third paragraph should clarify why you want this particular company. Explain why you and your company a good fit. The recruiter that you have done your research. Talk about a recent company event or express your company is not widely known aspect of interest. Remember: Everyone loves flattery, but do not go head.

Follow-Up: Your final paragraph should be only a few sentences. Thank the recruiter for reading your letter, then request an interview and provide your phone number. Or, be proactive and state that you'll call in a week to follow-up . Then do it.

At the end: Your final paragraph should be only a few sentences. Thank the recruiter to read your letter, then request an interview and leave your phone number, or proactive and state that you will call to follow up within a week, and then remember to do it.

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