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07-19 00:56:37 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文自荐信   阅读:8612
导读:写一封自荐信对于许多人来说已经不是难事,但如果要写一份优秀的英文个人自荐信,相信不少人就头疼了。英文自荐信怎么写呢?为了方便大家,以下提供一则英文自荐信例文,仅供各位参考,希望大家从中掌握如何写自荐信。 Dear Ms. Trivitts, I will be moving to Capitol City upon receiving my bachelor's degree in business administration from Duke University this June. A friend of mine, Polly Norton, advised me to contact you. She met you at the last meeting of the Women's Network and said your company was expanding and in need of a marketing manager. I have extensive


 Dear Ms. Trivitts,

   I will be moving to Capitol City upon receiving my bachelor's degree in business administration from Duke University this June. A friend of mine, Polly Norton, advised me to contact you. She met you at the last meeting of the Women's Network and said your company was expanding and in need of a marketing manager. I have extensive experience in marketing for service-oriented companies, as you can see from my attached resume. I understand you need people who are both accurate and committed to achieving company goals. I enjoy detailed tasks and strive to excel in my work.

   I know Able Insurance is a leading player in regional insurance. I excelled in my coursework in insurance matters at Duke, and my thesis project centered on the insurance industry. I want to work for your company because of its good reputation in the community and its ability to offer excellent training and mobility. I hope to hear from you soon. You may contact me by calling (000) 555-1058.

   Sincerely yours,

   Elaine Jennifer McDowell

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