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英文自荐信范文 机械专业

10-30 13:50:58 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文自荐信   阅读:8229
导读: I sincerely accepted the selection of your company! I work for the future full of hopes and confidence. If the company gave me a chance to show that I will work to redouble their efforts to return you my trust and support. Finally, thank you again for your busy schedule to be concerned about. Teachers look forward to good news. 上一页 [1] [2]
英文自荐信范文 机械专业,标签:自荐信范文,自荐信格式,http://www.qz26.com

     I sincerely accepted the selection of your company! I work for the future full of hopes and confidence. If the company gave me a chance to show that I will work to redouble their efforts to return you my trust and support.
Finally, thank you again for your busy schedule to be concerned about.
                                           Teachers look forward to good news.

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