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IE9 RC 在Windows7系统 下存在内存泄漏问题

10-15 21:47:25 来源:http://www.qz26.com windows7   阅读:8728
导读:原文新闻来源:Microsoft Connect根据在Microsoft Connect上的多个反馈,至少在Windows7上安装的IE9 RC 浏览器会引起sidebar.exe和svchost.exe的内存泄漏问题。具体情况是:在开机后约半小时sidebar.exe和一个svchost.exe的内存占用将会分别超过100mb。在Microsoft Connect上的原文如下:My normal memory usage for my installation has been at 1300MB - 1500MB with out launching any otherprograms that are not launched at startup or login. (yes I know this is kinda high but they are used.things like Live messenger, Live Sync. ect.) today I loged into my pc
IE9 RC 在Windows7系统 下存在内存泄漏问题,标签:win7安装教程,windows7教程,http://www.qz26.com

原文新闻来源:Microsoft Connect

根据在Microsoft Connect上的多个反馈,至少在Windows7上安装的IE9 RC 浏览器会引起sidebar.exe和



在Microsoft Connect上的原文如下:

My normal memory usage for my installation has been at 1300MB - 1500MB with out launching any other

programs that are not launched at startup or login. (yes I know this is kinda high but they are used.

things like Live messenger, Live Sync. ect.) today I loged into my pc to see memory usage over 3000MB

and I hadn't launched a single non auto start program yet. With 4GB of ram to my system this is quite a

problem. I checked task manager to see if I could find the offending applications. I found sidebar.exe

using around 1GB of ram and scvhost.exe using around 500+MB (there where two scvhost.exe and that

was the larger of the two) I closed out the sidebar and got a lot of my ram back but scvhost.exe while it

did go down still was around 300MB.

This kinds of performance I did not see in IE9beta and I have not changed any other programs or habits

since the IE9 RC install. The gadgets are the same ones I have been using for a while now without

seeing this kind of memory usage before IE9 RC.

I really hope this gets fixed soon!

Tag:windows7win7安装教程,windows7教程电脑培训学习 - 操作系统 - windows7
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