10-16 00:10:11
来源:http://www.qz26.com 英文简历写作 阅读:8955次
导读: 这是一份应聘高级财务职位,例如高级财务主任和财务总监(首席财务官)CFO的简历范文 。这一职位需要专业的财务会计管理知识,熟悉银行业务,现金管理,预算编制,保险-风险管理和税收-遵守法规等知识Senior Finance Executive with job positions as Senior Controller and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).Expertise in financial accounting management, banking, cash management, budgeting, insurance - risk management and tax - regulatory compliance. Additional qualification include: retail / wholesale distribution, internal controls, operational management, reven
这是一份应聘高级财务职位,例如高级财务主任和财务总监(首席财务官)CFO的简历范文 。这一职位需要专业的财务会计管理知识,熟悉银行业务,现金管理,预算编制,保险-风险管理和税收-遵守法规等知识
Senior Finance Executive with job positions as Senior Controller and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
Expertise in financial accounting management, banking, cash management, budgeting, insurance - risk management and tax - regulatory compliance.
Additional qualification include: retail / wholesale distribution, internal controls, operational management, revenue growth, productivity, business planning, systems technology and staff development.
Tag:英文简历写作,英文简历范文,个人简历模板,个人求职简历 - 英文简历写作