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Postal Worker Resume 邮递员简历

10-16 00:10:11 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8395
导读:Postal Worker Resume 邮递员简历ObjectivePostal WorkerAbilities• Excellent organizational ability & attention to detail.• A positive, outgoing, and enthusiastic personality.• Comfortable with fast a fast paced, frequently changing environment.• Innovative thinker who is not afraid to try new ways of doing things.ExperienceCiticorp, Lansing, MIPostal Supervisor, 1998 - PresentTrained and supervised mail room staff of ten employees. Scheduled a
Postal Worker Resume 邮递员简历,标签:大学生个人简历模板,http://www.qz26.com

Postal Worker Resume 邮递员简历

Postal Worker
• Excellent organizational ability & attention to detail.
• A positive, outgoing, and enthusiastic personality.
• Comfortable with fast a fast paced, frequently changing environment.
• Innovative thinker who is not afraid to try new ways of doing things.
Citicorp, Lansing, MI
Postal Supervisor, 1998 - Present
Trained and supervised mail room staff of ten employees. Scheduled andsupervised bulk mailings in excess of 300,000 pieces. Upgraded mailtracking systems.
City of Lansing, Lansing, MI
Postal Worker, 1988 - 1997
Delivered mail to customers. Provided customer service. Handled allrequisite paper-work for change of address and post office box rentals.
Cedar Grove Business College, Lansing, MI
A.A., Business,


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