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12-17 05:43:16 来源:http://www.qz26.com 个人简历模板   阅读:8467
导读: Name *** Address 3303# Zhejiang University(Z.U) Hangzhou,Zhejiang Telephone ***I will graduate from Zhejiang University in June 2002.My Major is Agriculture resource and environment. I have grasped the principals of the major and skills of practice. I like one sentence very much.” Where there is a will ,where there is a way.” I always say to myself when I am in difficulty.Now I
   Name          ***

   Address        3303#

                    Zhejiang University(Z.U)


   Telephone       ***

I will graduate from Zhejiang University in June 2002.My Major is Agriculture resource and environment. I have grasped the principals of the major and skills of practice. I like one sentence very much.” Where there is a will ,where there is a way.” I always say to myself when I am in difficulty.

Now I am seeking a full-time employment. I am forwarding my resume and looking for a position . I want to get started ,at the end of my school life but not to the end of my study . I study hard in school and I think I will try my best to work and do it well. I think your company is just the company that I want to join in.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my resume and if there is any additional information you require , please contact me . I would welcome an opportunity to meet you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs . Thank you for your time and considerations.


                                            Sincerely yours

                                                  Xu mingfa  

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