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07-20 19:38:17 来源:http://www.qz26.com 礼仪英语   阅读:8876
导读:参会工作人员一般都负责设置展台,所以他们都应该早一点到,以确保所有的产品都展放合适,并且已经准备好了参加展会。确保人员充分,以便客户能容易找到工作人员了解产品情况,并且要安排好午餐或其他中场休息时间的换休人员。It is important to highlight the show hours, and make sure that representation remains in the booth through the completion of the scheduled hours. It is amazing the number of booths where staff will disappear 15, 30, even 45 minutes before the end of a show. 将展会时间以高亮标示出来,并且确保与会工作人员会一直待到展会结束。如果在展会结束前15~45分钟,工作人员就消失不见了,那将是件很奇怪的事情。4.Engage Attendees吸引潜在客户的

It is important to highlight the show hours, and make sure that representation remains in the booth through the completion of the scheduled hours. It is amazing the number of booths where staff will disappear 15, 30, even 45 minutes before the end of a show.

4.Engage Attendees

People attend trade shows for a reason, so it is important for booth staff to quickly introduce themselves and ask attendees questions quickly to find out if they can help them in any way.

Most of the people attending a trade show have some relevant reason to learn more about your products and services, so offer them a brief overview from the script and continue the conversation from there.


Trade show booth staff should be assigned a specific area of the exhibit to cover, and should have the expertise to convey important company information to attendees.
参加展会的工作人员应该了解一个特定的参展领域,并且是该方面的专家,以便向客户传达重要的信息。 www.qz26.com

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Representatives in a trade show booth should be prepared to answer questions or understand where to obtain more information. The booth should be managed by one person who has that expertise and/or authority, and that person should be accessible at all times.

6.Dress Code

Attire is something that differs from organization to organization. Some companies have corporate apparel(e.g., polo shirts, sport coats, dress shirts, etc.) while others give employees some direction on personal attire with colors and clothing style.
每个集团的着装都是不一样的。有的公司有制服(如:马球衫 ,运动外套,衬衫等),有的公司在员工服装的颜色和类型上有一定的规定。

Attire helps to reinforce trade show booth themes, and should also be perceived as respectful of the organizers and attendees of the show itself.

7.Booth Setup and Maintenance

Event managers typically direct trade show booth staff to store the unattractive boxes and supplies in such spots as behind a trade show wall, under a fully skirted table, or in a location outside the exhibit area where additional supplies are stored.

It is important that the space appear well maintained at all times (including the floor), and trash should not be anywhere within view. Trade show etiquette requests that workers be mindful of this rule throughout the entire day.

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