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07-20 19:40:57 来源:http://www.qz26.com 礼仪英语   阅读:8170
导读:十分之三的人说他们在恐怖主义分子袭击英国后迸发出强烈的爱国热情。Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day.《英格兰》杂志的编辑史蒂芬•加内特说:“英格兰人不敢在我们的国庆日悬挂红十字旗,这让我们非常失望。"It was quite shocking to see some of the results, particularly the amount of people that don't fly the flag because of fear of being judged.“有些调查结果令人震惊,尤其是

  Stephen Garnett, editor of This England magazine, said: "We're incredibly disappointed that English people are afraid of displaying the St George's Cross on our patron saint's day.

  "It was quite shocking to see some of the results, particularly the amount of people that don't fly the flag because of fear of being judged.

  "It just shows what political correctness has done to the English people over the years."

  The study, which was carried out between the 7th and 14th April, was published to celebrate St. George's Day this Friday.

  Scottish people ranked their patriotism at 7.1 out of ten, the Welsh at 7.06 and the Irish at 6.72, while the Dutch were the most patriotic on 7.18.

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