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笔试题(architecture design)

10-16 00:00:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8750
导读:architecture design1..compare two images,the first image has a person in front of ablackboard in a classroom and the second image has a person in front ofa lush garden.the two images are compressed using the jpeg algorithm.a.the first image will have larger file size.b.the second image will have a larger file size.2.how would you round a 10b number,x,at the 3rd(上角)bit?a.(x>>2)<<2.b.(x>>3)<<3.c.((x+4)>>2)<<2d.((x+4)>&g
笔试题(architecture design),标签:银行笔试题目,企业笔试题目,http://www.qz26.com

architecture design
1..compare two images,the first image has a person in front of ablackboard in a classroom and the second image has a person in front ofa lush garden.the two images are compressed using the jpeg algorithm.
a.the first image will have larger file size.
b.the second image will have a larger file size.
2.how would you round a 10b number,x,at the 3rd(上角)bit?
3.what happens if the number in 2 is negative?
A ignore
b.make it absolute ,do the operation in 2,and add sign back
c.none of the above
4.how would you multiply a 4 in hardware?
a.use 4 adders each is offset from the provious adder by 1bit.
b.use a booth multip;ier with 4b coefficient.
c.use wires.
d.use a barrel shifter.
5.what is a fifo?what is a filo?which one is a queue? Which one is a stack?
a.fifo is a queue and filo is a stack.
b.fifo is the name of a dog. Filo is the name of a cat.
c.fifo is a stack and filo is a queue.
6.how would you design a barrel shifter?
a.use multiple stages of 2乘2 multiplexers
b.use a crossbar switch that can switch any inputs to any outputs
c.use a clos network
d.have muxes to switch between all combinations of hardwired shifts.

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