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10-16 00:00:09 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8107
导读: 人家说了,笔试=bs,既然这样...挂了也就算了早上6:30,闹钟响起,声音巨大,半天回不过神来于是战战兢兢洗漱完毕,烧了点水,吃了点东西,开始奋斗基本上是从7点十几分开始的,先有八道练习,可以做无数次,而且不计时每做一次都会告诉你哪几道对了哪几道错了,然后可以选择重新练习与否,我做了三次才全对不是数学问题,而是英文阅读问题。。。正式进入以后,还有两道练习,不对不让过但是我真正想说的是,在这人性化的背后,留给我的依然是郁闷——因为练习题明显明显太简单了,我居然把SHL这一强大特点忘光光了,55555我是在7:30开始进入正式程序的,然后在8:00点了finish,和它估计时间相同,有个很好的地方是,UBS会直接把题download,这样只要完成download,就不怕网速了一共21题21分钟,有倒计时提示,全英文,题目难度不是非常一样,第一道就郁闷了计算最多绕两步,数学比KPMG的简单,但是因为非中文,不是很能反映的过来它要求你算什么而且确实发现需要熟练使用计算器的
















  You have been invited to complete an online numerical reasoning test as part of our recruitment process.

  This test measures your ability to understand and interpret numerical data.

  You will have the opportunity to complete a number of practice questions before you begin.

  If you want to change your language selection, please access the original invitation email and click on the hyperlink to open the UBS online assessment website. Once back on this site again, you will be able to re-select your language of choice. You can do this at any point during the practice questions. However, you will not be able to change languages once you have begun the test itself.


  This part of the application process assesses your numerical reasoning skills.

  You will have only ONE opportunity to complete this test.

  This part of the application process will take approximately 30 minutes; the test itself is EXACTLY 21 minutes. Neither the speed of your machine nor the speed of your Internet connection will affect this test.

  Before attempting the tests please disable any 'Pop-up Window Blocking' software that may prevent the test applets from downloading successfully.

  Active Firewalls or High Internet Security may also deny you access to the tests. University or Company networks may have restrictions in place so please check with your local Systems Administrator before attempting to take the test on a private network.


  Next you will be given a short practice test that will help you prepare for the actual test. The practice test DOES NOT have a time limit (the actual test does) and, unlike the actual test, you may try the practice test as many times as you like.

  You will need a calculator for the practice test and also for the actual test.

  Make sure you have some paper available for working through the questions.


  There are 8 questions in this practice test. It is NOT timed.

  Do NOT use the browser "Back" button - this will terminate the test!

  Do NOT use the keyboard while taking the test - only use the mouse to navigate and give your answers.

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