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10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8208
导读:1. Please describe an experience where you led a team or took a lead in a project. Indicate what you feel were your top 3 areas of success and learning points from this experience2. Please indicate your motivation/s for applying to the InBev Own Your FutureProgram and how do you see it aligned to your personal/career objectives.3. Please indicate what you feel are the top 3 most important factors to work well in a team with people from different background

  1. Please describe an experience where you led a team or took a lead in a project. Indicate what you feel were your top 3 areas of success and learning points from this experience

2. Please indicate your motivation/s for applying to the InBev Own Your FutureProgram and how do you see it aligned to your personal/career objectives.

3. Please indicate what you feel are the top 3 most important factors to work well in a team with people from different backgrounds and culture.

4. Please describe what you think are the top 3 key challenges for a multinational company to succeed in China and why?

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