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10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8539
导读:3:也就是要自己取后留下1,4,6,7,8,9。。。4:如果自己取后留下6,对方取2 个,与(3)矛盾,所以排除65:如果自己取后留下8,对方取4 个,与(3)一样情况,所以也排除86:同样,9 也不行,如果我抽后剩下9,对方抽2 个,就反过来成对方抽剩成7 个了,也与(3)矛盾,所以也排除www.qz26.com 7:所以很显然,我只能抽剩1,4,78:因为只能抽后剩1,4,7 才能赢,我先抽得话不可能达到这几个数,很显然,只能让对方先抽,也即是先抽的人输2. The UI specialist Dafna found a problem that some of the Items on the marketingdocument form overlapped with each other. Because this form was implemented by differentdevelopers and they didnʹt care the particular
4:如果自己取后留下6,对方取2 个,与(3)矛盾,所以排除6
5:如果自己取后留下8,对方取4 个,与(3)一样情况,所以也排除8
6:同样,9 也不行,如果我抽后剩下9,对方抽2 个,就反过来成对方抽剩成7 个了,也与(3)矛盾,所以也排除

8:因为只能抽后剩1,4,7 才能赢,我先抽得话不可能达到这几个数,很显然,只能让对方先
2. The UI specialist Dafna found a problem that some of the Items on the marketing
document form overlapped with each other. Because this form was implemented by different
developers and they didnʹt care the particular appearance of one item. Product manager
Tidav decided to write one small checking tool to generate the overlapped items on all forms.
He called in his guys to discuss about it. Suppose the input is the integer coordinates (x,y)od
the items (all rectangles) on one form. Construct an efficient method to find out the
overlapped items. Hint: The most direct way to do so is comparing each items with the others,
Given 1000 forms. Each with 100‐1000items on average. The O(n2) algorithm is costly.Some
guru suggested that one O(n) method could help only if 6.5 kilobytes extra storage is
available. One elite argued that he could cut down the number to 1%,Itʹs now your turn to
describe the idea. Write out the pseudocodes, vertify his algorithm and propose more
advanced optimization if possible.
3 in a file system ,data need not be sequentially located in physical blocks, We use a number
of tables storing nodes imformation. Suppose now we use a fixed node size of variable‐length
n, it takes [n/(k‐b)] nodes to store this item.(Here b is a constant, signifying that b words of
each node contain control information, such as a link to the next node).If the average length n
of an Item is N,what choise of k minimizes the average amount of storage space required?
(Assume that the average value of (n/(k‐b)) mod 1 is equal to 1/2 ,for any fixed k, as n varies)

10. Goldman Sachs
两个公司A,B 的股票分别在伦敦纽约交易,市值分别为10 亿英镑,18 亿美元一年内的利润分别
为1 亿英镑,1000 万美元
1. 两股票市值差别多大?(想进投资银行的不会不关心汇率吧。或者再问一下,央行人民币一年定
2. 为什么利润差别这么大?
3. 为什么利润差别这么大,市值却很接近?
4. 举出具体行业的例子来对应着两个公司的情况
5. 假如两公司从事同一行业,为什么利润差这么大?
6. 股票的价格收益比(Price/Earnings)与预期利润增幅(estimated growth in profit)的函数图像
7. C,D,E 三只股票分别位于这个函数曲线的上方,下方,曲线上。你建议买那支股票?为什么?
11. Ericsson
1.a)AM,FM,PM 调制的公式?画出AM/PM/FM 的示意图波形
b)CDMA 用哪种调制方式?
2。QPSK 和Offset QPSK 有什么区别?Offset QPSK 与QPSK 相比有什么优势?
3。一个典型的数字通信系统由五部分组成,如下:|Speech|‐‐>|Source Encode|‐‐>??‐‐>|Multiple
4。哈达码矩阵,给出H2 和扩展方式,写出H8 的形式。证明他是正交的。给一个3bit 的信号,
经过一个H4 的扩频之后,符号串写出来
5。衰落信道中:.a)什么是frequency‐selective Channel? b)什么是time‐selective Channel?
6。TCP/UDP 各是什么意思?他们有什么差别
7。描述TCP/IP 的协议栈
8。解释TCP/IP 中的滑动窗口,它的目的只什么?
9。一个框图,输入X 为1 或‐1,有一个均匀分布的干扰(-2 到2),输出为Y,问(X=1,Y<0)的

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