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10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8360
导读:1、作文,三选一1) Increasing affluence in China has fueled demand for Shark's fin. Now the ocean's top predator is endangered. Chinese medicine is also indirectly responsible for destruction of tigers and bears. How should traditional habits be balanced with ecological reality?2) Are Intellectual property rights a good or bad thing for an economy as a whole? Support your answer with examples.3) China should allow the Yuan to float because the outcome woul

1) Increasing affluence in China has fueled demand for Shark's fin. Now the ocean's top predator is endangered. Chinese medicine is also indirectly responsible for destruction of tigers and bears. How should traditional habits be balanced with ecological reality?
2) Are Intellectual property rights a good or bad thing for an economy as a whole? Support your answer with examples.
3) China should allow the Yuan to float because the outcome would benefit the economic of both China and the USA. Please comment.
The aviation industry is estimated to contribute two percent of current global man-made carbon dioxide emissions and in this context, Cathay Pacific is well aware of its responsibility to minimise the impact of its operations on the environment. In March, the airline announced the develpment of a carbon-offset scheme that will allow the company to neutralise a percentage of its carbon emissions by investing in environmental protection projects in the Pearl River Delta. Under the proposed scheme, Cathay will establish a mechanism which will offset emissions associated with its own staff business travel, and will also provide passengers with the voluntary option of joining the offset programme. Carbon-offset schemes are increasingly common in Europe and the United States, But are still in their infancy in Asia; Cathay Pacific is taking the lead in this area as a part of a programme of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel burn and contribute to environmental awareness.

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