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WCDMA OAM Verification Engineer笔试题大放送

10-15 23:59:20 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8455
导读:WCDMA OAM Verification Engineer –BJ 1-1Explain/Describe the UMTS physical network architecture, and indicate the interface used between devices.<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-1 <!--[endif]-->In UMTS,what’s the difference between AAL2 and AAL5?<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-2 <!--[endif]-->In UMTS,what do FDD and TDD mean?<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-3 <!--[endif]-->Describe the processor of hardover and soft handover?&
WCDMA OAM Verification Engineer笔试题大放送,标签:银行笔试题目,企业笔试题目,http://www.qz26.com

WCDMA OAM Verification Engineer –BJ
1-1Explain/Describe the UMTS physical network architecture, and indicate the interface used between devices.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-1 <!--[endif]-->In UMTS,what’s the difference between AAL2 and AAL5?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-2 <!--[endif]-->In UMTS,what do FDD and TDD mean?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-3 <!--[endif]-->Describe the processor of hardover and soft handover?
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-4 <!--[endif]-->Describe the spread mechanism used in UMTS, and please draw the power spectrum before and after spreading.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1-5 <!--[endif]-->Please describe the functionalities of rake receiver?
2-1 Explain (draw) the 4 TCP-IP layer.
2-2 What’s DNS? What’s domain name? What’s the relationship between IP address and domain name?
2-3 What’s IP routing? Please list and explain several routing protocols.
2-4 What’s the function of firewall?
2-5 Please explain telnet and ssh protocol.What’s the difference between them?
3-1 List the Network Management System you know.
3-2 What’s the purpose of UMTS Network Management System.
3-3 List all the functions UMTS Network Management tool should provide and give your explanation about these functions.
3-4 Please describe the network performance optimization in UMTS network management system?
4-1 What are the meaning of these commands.
ls     df     cp    chmod     chown     mv     tar    cpio  init 0     init 6   vi aa.txt    ifconfig   netstat-a    ps    grep   find(give example)    iostat    uname     cat    more     tail     head     wc
5-1 In a Unix shell script, how to export the number of arguments of a script?
5-2 There is one variable in the shell script named “sample name”, please write a script to check whether it is a file or a directory name. Please output in this format: directory : samplename or file: samplename.
5-3 Please write a Unix shell script which ask user to input a sentence and output each work in a line.
for example:
        input :
         run test3.sh
         promt : enter some text : I like the korn shell.
       Output :
5-4 Please write a regular expression to replace “Micheal” with “Mike” in this file :ResumeOfMicheal and output to another file named ResumeOfMike.
6-1 Explain the meaning og the following computer science abbreviations
     UML    CORBA   IDL    JRE    JNLP    JMS     DHCP      VBA      DLL     DDBC   
6-2 Please list the software life cycle model you know .describe one model in terms of advantage and disadvantage.

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