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12-17 15:52:25 来源:http://www.qz26.com 笔试题目   阅读:8769
导读:1.Below is usual way we find one element in an array:const int *find1(const int* array, int n, int x){const int* p = array;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){if(*p == x){return p;}++p;}return 0;}In this case we have to bear the knowledge of value type "int", the size ofarray,even the existence of an array. Would you re-write it using template to eliminate allthese dependencies?2. Assume you have a class likeclass erp{HR* m_hr;FI* m_fi;public:erp(){m_h

  1.Below is usual way we find one element in an array:

  const int *find1(const int* array, int n, int x)


  const int* p = array;

  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)


  if(*p == x)


  return p;




  return 0;


  In this case we have to bear the knowledge of value type "int", the size of


  even the existence of an array. Would you re-write it using template to elim

  inate all

  these dependencies?

  2. Assume you have a class like

  class erp


  HR* m_hr;

  FI* m_fi;




  m_hr = new HR();

  m_fi = new FI();






  if "new FI()" failed in the constructor, how can you detect this problem and

  release the

  properly allocated member pointer m_hr?

  3. Check the class and variable definition below:



  using namespace std;

  class Base



  Base() { cout<<"Base-ctor"< ~Base() { cout<<"Base-dtor"< virtual void f(int) { cout<<"Base::f(int)"< virtual void f(double) {cout<<"Base::f(double)"< virtual void g(int i = 10) {cout<<"Base::g()"<};

  class Derived: public Base



  Derived() { cout<<"Derived-ctor"< ~Derived() { cout<<"Derived-dtor"< void f(complex) { cout<<"Derived::f(complex)"< virtual void g(int i = 20) {cout<<"Derived::g()"<};

  Base b;

  Derived d;

  Base* pb = new Derived;

  Select the correct one from the four choices:




  A.Derived::f(complex) B.Base::f(double)


  A.Base::g() 10 B.Base::g() 20

  C.Derived::g() 10 D.Derived::g() 20

  4.Implement the simplest singleton pattern(initialize if if necessary).

  5.Name three sort algorithms you are familiar with. Write out the correct or

  der by the

  average time complexity.

  6.Write code to sort a duplex direction linklist. The node T has overridden

  the comparision operators

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