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10-15 23:54:55 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试技巧   阅读:8287
导读:毕马威招聘内幕毕马威是网络遍布全球的专业服务机构,设有由优秀专业人员组成的行业专责团队,致力提供审计、税务等专业服务。毕马威的成员机构遍及全球超过140个国家717个地区,拥有近94,000名员工。我们的目标是把我们所掌握的知识升华增值,裨益我们的客户、员工,贡献资本市场。 今天,毕马威中国和香港特别行政区共设有六家办事处,拥有专业人员约4,200人。在当今国际会计师事务所中,毕马威是唯一一家采用统一模式管理中国业务,并能够以最有效率的资源配置方式为广大中国客户服务的会计师事务所。 由于率先打入中国市场,毕马威在中国积累了丰富的市场经验,并为国内多家知名企业提供专业服务。随着中国企业融入全球经济和境外企业大举进入中国市场,毕马威将结合其国际经验和对市场的深入认识这两大优势,在日趋复杂但又机遇处处的中国市场为客户提供高效服务。工作地点 毕马威中国在北京、青岛、上海、成都、杭州、福州、广州、深圳、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十家分公司。薪酬 5200元/月,有CPA证加1000元;研究生加200元;税后

毕马威是网络遍布全球的专业服务机构,设有由优秀专业人员组成的行业专责团队,致力提供审计、税务等专业服务。毕马威的成员机构遍及全球超过140个国家717个地区,拥有近94,000名员工。我们的目标是把我们所掌握的知识升华增值,裨益我们的客户、员工,贡献资本市场。 今天,毕马威中国和香港特别行政区共设有六家办事处,拥有专业人员约4,200人。在当今国际会计师事务所中,毕马威是唯一一家采用统一模式管理中国业务,并能够以最有效率的资源配置方式为广大中国客户服务的会计师事务所。 由于率先打入中国市场,毕马威在中国积累了丰富的市场经验,并为国内多家知名企业提供专业服务。随着中国企业融入全球经济和境外企业大举进入中国市场,毕马威将结合其国际经验和对市场的深入认识这两大优势,在日趋复杂但又机遇处处的中国市场为客户提供高效服务。工作地点 毕马威中国在北京、青岛、上海、成都、杭州、福州、广州、深圳、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十家分公司。薪酬 5200元/月,有CPA证加1000元;研究生加200元;税后(并扣除三险、公积金)3900元/月,加班时有餐补30元/餐差补180元/天,年底双薪 福利 Qualification Pay Once you have passed your professional exams, we will immediately pay you a qualification premium. Overtime To meet our clients needs you may, on occasion, be required to work overtime. All overtime is paid. If you wish, overtime may be put into a leave bank and used for extra study leave or taken as additional holiday time. It is your choice. Medical Medical costs incurred after consultationwith KPMGs appointed medical practice are met by the Firm. Provident Fund / Pension / Insurance KPMG ensures that staff members are well protected for thefuture. Annual Leave We believe our staff should have a balance in their lives and offer very generous leave entitlement each year. Study Leave Study leaveis awarded to help you prepare for your professional exams. Overseas Secondment Opportunities exist for overseas secondment to develop your career and these are carefully identified for you. 培训及项目特点 Training & Development We don’t expect you to know everything from day one. So we help you develop the skills you’ll need by providing training programmes and other learning opportunities. KPMG maintains a core curriculum delivered by professionals who can bring you into the business and help you reach your career goals.
Right from the beginning we help our graduates settle into KPMG with an introductory training programme called START. We then support you as you work towards acquiring the necessary professional and industry qualifications. You won’t be left on your own - we will give you appropriate responsibilities thatwillchallenge you and allow you to learn. Performance management To accelerate your journey along your career path, we encourage formal mentoring relationshipsthroughout your time at KPMG. You’ll also be assigned a performance manager who will help you set goals, monitor your progress and give you feedback at every step of the way. Career Development For KPMG people, learning and career development never stop. We offer a vast array of training programmes and learning opportunities at every stage of your career so that you can acquire all the knowledge and skills you need to achieve your goals and advance your career. Our in-house KPMG training programmes include management and leadership skills and technical and industry training, awareness seminars and e-learning programmes. Secondments Our strongest professionals have the opportunity to transfer or rotate to another KPMG office – either domestically or internationally. These assignments offer valuable exposure to different cultures and client environments, and can help prepare you for increased responsibilitylater in your career. KPMG has always prided itself on developing its people and on creating an environment where they can excel. We strongly encourage advancement within the firm and we offer movement from one area to another (for example, from Audit to Tax), which broadens your skills. 被聘用的毕业生进入事务所后将接受为期10周的带薪培训。其中,毕业生将用2周时间了解事务所的组织架构,认知―Teamwork and collaboration, Open and honest communication, Continuous learning and active sharing, Recognition and respect, Leaders who serve‖的企业文化以及―KPMG is the global professional advisory firm whose aim is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of it's www.qz26.com client? it's people? it's community‖的企业使命。接下来,毕业生将接受系统的会计、审计知识的培训,并熟悉毕马威的审计方法、流程与标准。在此期间,毕业生都将参 加9月的CPA考试。 在毕马威,毕业生接受的更多的还是在职培训。而在招聘推介会上,经理或合伙人已经将一个明晰的职业发展路径告诉了每一个学生。在毕马威,职业发展分为了4个阶段,在不同的阶段,你将接受相应的培训和教导,以帮助你进入下一个阶段的发展。 毕业生作为审计员将用2年的时间在事务所内通过完成不同的项目,不断得到前辈的指导,进行学习、积累。而正是这样―分享知识,分享信息,共同进步‖的在职多元化学习和培训,使毕业生迅速成长为专业的审计主管,承担起项目负责人的团队领导之重任。晋升为经理后,毕马威的培训在―管理技巧‖方向加大力度。―毕马威强大的客户基础,系统的培训体制,再加上个人的潜力,为优秀职员在10年内成长为合伙人铺平了道路。‖杨海云非常肯定地断言。职业发展 晋升:优秀的员工8年可发展成合伙人 随着业务的快速发展,也给员工的晋升带来了巨大的发展机会。跟其他一般的企业不同的是,员工的发展不会受到岗位的限制,比如,公司只有一个总经理,若这个总经理不离开,下面的员工将不可能晋升到这个职位。而在毕马威,各个岗位的人数都是开放的,只要员工达到了上一级岗位的要求,就可晋升。据悉,仅去年一年,毕马威就提拔了40、50个合伙人,目前,毕马威在大中华区共有154名合伙人。其中,发展最快的一个员工,仅8年的时间,就从最低层的员工,发展成了合伙人。当问及―合伙人的数量,是不是与员工总数之间有一定的比例‖时,蔡廷基说,实际上,毕马威对于此并没有严格的规定,合伙人的提拨,主要根据业务发展的需要而定。合伙人视点:员工需学会时间管理 针对社会上普遍反映的―四大会计事务所,经常加班加点的问题‖,蔡廷基说,这关键的是员工要平衡好自己的工作与生活,这需要企业和员工双方的努力。为此,毕马威专门成立了工作环境改善小组,来协助员工平衡工作和生活 。员工有压力的时候,多和主管进行沟通。另外,对员工而言,也要自己学会时间管理。其实,一个人的工作量是固定的,如何合理的安排自己的工作,做好时间管理,是每个员工都要学习的技巧。 为了保留住优秀的员工,毕马威一直提倡―稳定性‖,保障员工最基本的―安全感‖。企业不会因为某个时期的经济萧条、公司业务的变动,而影响员工的福利待遇。比如,非典时期,公司的业务急剧下降,但在此期间,公司没有辞退一个人,也没有减薪。

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