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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试自我介绍   阅读:8763
导读: 我的英文名叫www.qz26.com,今年27岁,毕业于XX学校,在过去的5年中一直就职于XX公司,从事过出纳、结算会计等工作,对财务管理流程及纳税申报工作有相当丰富的经验,熟练掌握各种财务软件,对工作充满热情,一直坚持专业知识的学习,并打算在今年内一次性通过会计中级考试。 我性格外向,思想活跃,乐于接受一切挑战,大学期间曾担任系学生会主席,正是在那个时候培养了我强烈的责任心、执行力和领导力。 生活中,我爱好广泛,尤其喜欢历史,对历代名人传记如数家珍,我也爱好运动,并经常组织同事切磋技艺,最擅长羽毛球运动。I am Kevin,aged 27. I graduated from XX. In the last five years I have been working in XX company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant. I have rich experience in finance management sys

I am Kevin,aged 27. I graduated from XX. In the last five years I have been working in XX company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant. I have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and I am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares. I am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing Medium Level Accountant Examination in this year. I am confident to accept every challenge.The history of college serving as the chairman in Student Union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.

In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history. I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play
games.The badminton is my strength.

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