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10-15 23:36:40 来源:http://www.qz26.com 面试自我介绍   阅读:8653
导读:金融面试概括性问题例如: 你为什么选择这个职业?在未来5年的职业生涯中,你想要达到什么样的目标? 你为什么选择我们公司?谈谈你自己。如果你没有被这个行业所录用,你会选择其他什么职业? 你的价值观是什么? 你有哪些失败或者失望的经历?你是怎么面对的? 你是个良好的团队合作者吗?请举例说明。 你所经历过的最大挑战是什么?如果可以重新开始,你希望改变你生活中的哪些部分? 具体问题和专业问题 例如: 你为什么认为自己适合在公司财务投行部(或者债券销售部门、股票销售部门等)的职务? 你能否告诉我你对这项工作的理解?你能讲出最近的一次合并和收购的案例吗?并请你对该案例的动机、优势、定值和融资进行讨论。能否告诉我你看好哪支股票?为什么?最大规模的公司合并收购案有哪些?你为什么认为美国和欧洲股市的表现差强人意?你能回忆出标准普尔500和德国股票指数(dax)的历史最高纪录(all-time high)和52周以来最高价和最低价分别是多少吗?你可以总结出美国世界通信公司(worldcom)公司失误的原因吗?你知道美国国会关于


  例如: 你为什么选择这个职业?

  在未来5年的职业生涯中,你想要达到什么样的目标? 你为什么选择我们公司?

  谈谈你自己。如果你没有被这个行业所录用,你会选择其他什么职业? 你的价值观是什么? 你有哪些失败或者失望的经历?你是怎么面对的? 你是个良好的团队合作者吗?请举例说明。 你所经历过的最大挑战是什么?

  如果可以重新开始,你希望改变你生活中的哪些部分? 具体问题和专业问题    例如: 你为什么认为自己适合在公司财务投行部(或者债券销售部门、股票销售部门等)的职务? 你能否告诉我你对这项工作的理解?




  你为什么认为美国和欧洲股市的表现差强人意?你能回忆出标准普尔500和德国股票指数(dax)的历史最高纪录(all-time high)和52周以来最高价和最低价分别是多少吗?



  你是否对美国的债券市场(treasury market)到底有多大有自己的认识?

  美国联邦政府的决策对股票市场(equity market)有哪些潜在的影响?

  当前的收益率曲线(yield curve)的形状是什么样的?


  “getting to know you?


  why did you choose this career?

  what are you looking to achieve in your career 5 years down the road?

  why did you choose our firm?

  tell me something about yourself.

  what other career would you consider if you are unsuccessful in getting a job in this industry?

  tell me some of the values that define you.

  what are some of your failures or disappointments, tell me how you cope with them?

  are you a good team player? give me some examples to support it.

  tell me some of the biggest challenges you have encountered.

  what would you like to change in your life if you can do all over again?

  specific and technical questions


  why do you think that you are suitable for a career in corporate finance (e.g. fixed income sales, equities sales, etc)?

  can you tell me something about the job?

  can you recall one recent case of mergers & acquisitions and discuss the merits, valuation and financing?

  can you tell me about a stock that you like and why?

  what are some of the largest transactions in the corporate mergers and acquisitions arena?

  why do you think that the stock markets in the u.s. and europe are doing so poorly? can you recall what was the all time high and 52-week high low for the s&p 500 and the dax of germany?

  can you summarize what went wrong with worldcom?

  what are some of the key legislations related to the financial industry being debated in the congress?

  do you have a sense of how big the u.s. treasury market is?

  what impact does the u.s. federal reserve decisions have on the equity markets?

  what is the shape of the current yield curve?

Tag:面试自我介绍面试自我介绍范文,面试英语自我介绍求职笔试面试 - 面试自我介绍
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