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12-17 22:16:39 来源:http://www.qz26.com 英语面试   阅读:8837
导读:如果你是一棵树,你想成为哪种树?如果是辆车呢?或者是一种动物?These type of questions can bring your interview to a screeching halt.这种问题可能会给你的面试来个急刹车。First, don't panic. Pause and take a deep breath. Then remind yourself that there's no "right" answer to these questions. The job isn't hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.首先,别惊慌。停下来做个深呼吸。然后提醒自己说这些问题没有所谓的“正确答案”。工作的关键不在于你选择了云杉而不是橡树。Interviewers usually ask these questions to see how y

These type of questions can bring your interview to a screeching halt.

First, don't panic. Pause and take a deep breath. Then remind yourself that there's no "right" answer to these questions. The job isn't hinging on whether you choose to be a spruce versus an oak.

Interviewers usually ask these questions to see how you react under pressure and how well you handle the unexpected. It's not so important what type of tree (or car, or animal) you choose as that you explain your choice in a way that makes you look favorable.

So, be a spruce -- because you want to reach new heights in your career. Or be an oak -- because you plan to put down roots at the company. Either way, you'll get it right.

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